Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some Words inside My Heart

Tonite have a chatting time when supper-ing with my parents. My dad telling me many things and I know he wish to see me success in the future. Suddenly, he asked me that what are the things they did have made me feel  touch. Unexpectedly, I have no answer in my mind. Not because of they didn't, but just like what my dad said: 把它当成理所当然了. When I heard this, I felt guilty and so sorry to them. Actually what parents did are good for us, just we never keep in mind. I admit that my dad really changed a lot already compare to when I still small. And here, I would like to say thank you to MY DAD and MUM, and sorry if I did something wrong to make you feel sad. I really appreciate what they have done though I have no courage to tell them, I wish they will know it.

Next, what I want to say is to my beloved Kher. Suddenly got the feeling to read back her blog. All the memories are coming in my mind. At the same time, there are many feelings inside my heart too. No matter how, I just want to tell you that I really so so lucky to meet you in my life. You are CHANGING me. I know I'm still got many many weaknesses but I will change, maybe it just bit slow. One day in the future, you will see a NEW 'me'. And lastly, I want to say I LOVE YOU~really really love you with my full faith!!

You all are the most important people in my life and I feel that I'm the most lucky guy in the world. I have a happy family and my beloved now and there is no regret in my life. Really wish that all this will last FOREVER and there is no end.....

Friday, March 18, 2011

So happy that I had finally finish all the assignments!!!
However, I still have 3 midterms to go...=(
Just hang on for two more weeks!!! Gambateh!!!
This sem seemed a big longer than I thought..
The time seems to passed very slowly..
Maybe because of the tsunami, earthquake in Japan make me feels bad and everyday following those news really make me feel sad but I just can pray for the victims in Japan...
Hope that they will pass through this tough situation..
God Bless them~~
Have to sit for FAF test tomorrow..=(
God Bless me too~~
Add oil to myself and all my friends that are taking the test too!!!!
gonna continue my study now..=(

Sunday, January 9, 2011





Sunday, January 2, 2011


5…4…3…2…1~HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!! 令人期待的2011年终于来临了,2010年结束的倒数,在吉隆坡度过,与朋友们一同兴奋的倒数,好开心哦…I'm lovin it~哈哈~! Thanks friends, let me had an unforgettable countdown, enjoy with you all badly..=D

在新的一年会有什么事情发生呢?蛮期待的,希望会是一个好的开始~^^ 离2012又更加接近了,世界末日真的会来临吗?心中多了一个问号……但,管它三七二十一的,享受2011的到来~嘻嘻!! 

新的一年对自己又有什么期望呢?快要踏入20岁的我,希望能变得更加成熟,迎接一个全新的我,哈! 也希望家人能平平安安,同时也能与坷开开心心地度过2011年,两人一同陪伴在成长的路途上,爱你哦~
